Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Turkey Day!

Christian and I decided to spend Thanksgiving this year with my dad and Kalani.  I haven't had Thanksgiving with my dad in well... I don't even know.  I'm really glad we went over there.  It was a lot of fun, such a warm, family atmosphere!  Christian had a great time--hope your Thanksgiving was great.  Enjoy the pics of my little man, growing up VERY fast!! God he is so amazing, I LOVE HIM! :)
Christian Tyler- 16 months

He just let me put my head in his sweet 
Hangin with mommy @ Kalani's

Grandma Artie (dad's mom) & Christian
The Munden Family- all smiles!!
Seriously, sooo CUTE!!
Look at THAT smile-- God I'm so blessed!!

Paw Paw and CT- adorable

Happy Thanksgiving! (do they EVER smile when you want them to??)

1 comment:

The Brewers said...

OMG!! I love the tie!! so stinkin cute!